At the celebration of the Day of the Producer and the Professional of Agricultural Sciences, the General and Technical Directors of #TeamCOPEG were present with a well-deserved tribute on the grounds of the Azuero International Fair (FIA), province of Los Santos. This event was attended by important authorities such as His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, and the Minister of Agricultural Development, Mr. Augusto Valderrama with his work team.

During this event, COPEG awarded several plaques and certificates to producers who have stood out in different categories, recognizing their effort and dedication at a national level. Among the winners are: Dora Espinoza del Cid as “Great Producer 2023”, Emérito Lezcano as “Medium Producer 2023”, Luis Espinoza Rodríguez as “Family Farming 2023”, Luciana Sáez Tejeira de Chen as “Outstanding Professional 2023”, Eric Quiróz Rodríguez as “Outstanding Researcher 2023”, Javier Antonio Samaniego G. as “Outstanding Extensionist 2023” and Egberto Soto Salazar as “Best Agro Tourism Farm 2023.

From COPEG we congratulate all those men and women who work to produce safe and nutricious food in Panama, despite the different situations such as climate change that affects the production of many areas of the country. COPEG recognizes their important role and their resilience moving forward with the country's agricultural production day after day.